Tofu - Soy Meats - Meat Substitutes

All of the recipes at home, but please vegetarian? It is possible! With our delicious soy products, you can conjure up stew, goulash, schnitzel, ragout, steaks, ground meat dishes, sauces and even Cordon Blue, everything of course purely plant based. The ideal meat substitute! With our soy meats, you can experience the vegetarian kitchen completely new! Delicious taste at a great value, long shelf life, easy storage and preparation. And the price is hot!
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What our customers say about us
Felix Hnat, Environmental Economist, Vienna
Felix Hnat, Environmental Economist, Vienna In 10 years of animal rights work I became acquainted with Alf and Alexandra from as pioneers of the vegan idea. They are full of idealism, support our work and have a nose for the best products. Felix is chairman of the Vegan Society Austria
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Behind Veganversand Vegourmet stand convinced vegans, who live for their convictions. Here no product sneaks into the assortment, which is not 100% vegan. Here vegan can shop to the heart\'s content – for all areas of daily living.