Whether delicious wet food or crisp dry nibbles for oral hygiene, the purely vegetable cat food is gladly accepted by velvety paws. Also the smell is pleasant for human noses, and it is balanced in its composition for the needs of your cat.
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What our customers say about us
Claudia, Salzburg I live vegan, because no animal should suffer for my enjoyment. The Vegourmet Veganversand has the perfect assortment for all who, as I do, don\'t want to give up the usual flavors. Recipes and ideas for the vegan lifestyle can be found on my blog. Totally Veg! »
Did you know?
Vegan living is a complete concept, which begins with an existence free of animal suffering and ends with our CO2-Footprint. Therefore the Veganversand Vegourmet team consists of 100% vegans.